Board of Directors

A Dedicated Profession

All governance of TVMA is provided by volunteer leaders chosen each year by the members of the association. Unlike TVMA staff and unlike their counterparts in private business, our leaders do not get paid for their time and effort. They are dedicated veterinarians who give many hours and much energy each year to the governance, management and operations of TVMA out of duty and devotion to their profession. The Board of Directors serves as the legislative arm of TVMA

1. Panhandle 11. West Texas
2. South Plains 12. South Texas
3. North Texas 13. Bexar County
4. Tarrant County 14. Central Texas
5. Dallas County 15. Brazos Valley
6. Northeast Texas 16. Harris County
7. East Texas 17. Gulf Coast
8. North Central Texas 18. Coastal Plains
9. Balcones Cross Timbers 19. Valley
10. Permian Basin  


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Balcones Cross Timbers
Valerie Tynes, DVM

Bexar County

Bexar County

Michele Wright, DVM

Brazos Valley

Brazos Valley

Will McCauley, DVM

Central Texas Place 1

Central Texas Place 1

John Faught, DVM

Central Texas Place 2

Central Texas Place 2

Michael Doherty, DVM

Coastal Plains

Coastal Plains

Carriann Galloway, DVM

Dallas County

Dallas County

John Vandermeer, DVM

East Texas

East Texas

Jessica Colborn, DVM

Gulf Coast

Gulf Coast

Sarah Pella, DVM

Harris County Place 1

Harris County Place 1

Hallie Moore, DVM

Harris County Place 2

Harris County Place 2

Thad Gloriod, DVM

North Central Texas

North Central Texas

Suzanne Brown, DVM

North East Texas Place 1

North East Texas Place 1

David E. Black, DVM

North East Texas Place 2

North East Texas Place 2

Wallace "Trey" Kraft, DVM

North Texas

North Texas

Joseph Wurster, DVM

Pan- handle

Pan- handle

Kynan Sturgess, DVM

Permian Basin

Permian Basin

Beth Culbertson, DVM

South Plains

Sharilyn Nall, DVM

South Texas

Gaylon Wilmeth-Burleson, DVM

Tarrant County

Rosemary Lindsey, DVM



Tony Vindell, DVM

West Texas

Helen Vega, DVM

Bovine/ Large  Animal

Bovine/ Large Animal

Joe Hillhouse, DVM

Equine Practice

Equine Practice

Marcus Hutka, DVM

Shelter Medicine

Shelter Medicine

Christine Prior, DVM

At Large Place 1

At Large Place 1

Cheryl York, DVM


At Large Place 2

At Large Place 2

Steven Pittenger, DVM

Indu- stry/ Regu- latory

Indu- stry/ Regu- latory

Taylor Tillery, DVM

TAMU/ Labs

Eric Kneese, DVM

TAMU-SVMBS Student Sr Delegate

TAMU-SVMBS Student Sr Delegate

Jenner Brown

TTU-SVM Student Sr Delegate

Dakota Zapalac



Mandy Zachgo, LVT

Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation

Nancy Turner, DVM