Executive Committee

Leading the Way

All governance of TVMA is provided by volunteer leaders chosen each year by the members of the association. Unlike TVMA staff and unlike their counterparts in private business, our leaders do not get paid for their time and effort. They are dedicated veterinarians who give many hours and much energy each year to the governance, management and operations of TVMA out of duty and devotion to their profession. The nine-member Executive Committee provides administrative leadership for TVMA.



Don Ferrill, DVM, JD

Fort Worth
Texas A&M ‘85
Ph: (817) 878-0579

President Elect

President Elect

Nancy Carter, DVM

Texas A&M '97

Chairman of the Board

Chairman of the Board

Pancho Hubert, DVM

Corpus Christi
Texas A&M '88

Secretary/ Treasurer

Secretary/ Treasurer

Pam Delahoussaye, DVM

Texas A&M ‘01

Council Chair, Association Affairs

Council Chair, Association Affairs

Dennis Clark, DVM

Moody, Texas
Texas A&M '97
Equine Practitioner

Council Chair, Veterinary Practice

Council Chair, Veterinary Practice

Amelia H. Vogt, DVM

Texas A&M ‘95
Ph: (281) 239-6500

Council Chair, External Affairs

Council Chair, External Affairs

Dee Ellis, DVM

Texas A&M '84
Large Animal Practitioner
College Station, TX

Council Chair, Professional Advancement

Council Chair, Professional Advancement

John Bulovas, DVM

Texas A&M '94
The Woodlands, Texas
Small Animal Practitioner


Immediate Past President

Immediate Past President

Jodi Long, DVM

Texas A&M '01
Small Animal Practitioner
Ph: (281) 480-8800