TVMA recognizes that the school-based veterinary assistant programs consist of well-designed, highly organized content taught in classroom settings by well-qualified professional educators extending through 1-3 academic years. TVMA further recognizes that these state-approved programs consist of hands-on laboratory instruction, frequent live demonstrations, field work, internships and other interactive learning activities, which can achieve the same learning objectives envisioned for the on-the-job training requirements described above.
The program is meant to supplement a vet science curriculum. Students are required to meet the following qualifications to obtain their CVA:
- Program must include content addressing all the learning outcomes identified in TVMA standards and guidelines for CVA Level I
- Applicants for certification from any school-based veterinary assistant program must have completed at least 200 hours of the school-based program
- Applicants for certification must be at least 16 years of age to test.
- Hands on training hours will not be counted before age 14.
- Payment of the certification fee (Check, Credit Card or PO accepted)
- Successful completion of the certification examination, either online or paper format
- Completed exam application (pages 1-6), with accompanying required signatures (Incomplete applications will be returned to the teacher for completion)
Candidates for certification must provide documentation that supports appropriate work experience as follows:
In order to ensure the student understands the real, day-to-day workings of a typical veterinary hospital, a minimum of 300 (or 225 with an approved recommendation letter fron the DVM/LVT/RVT/CVT worked under) of the 500 hours required must occur within a veterinary clinic or animal shelter setting with a US DVM or LVT (CVT/RVT allowed for programs outside the state of Texas) on staff or in attendance to provide the required skill and techniques training. The variety of veterinary-supervised experiences that meet these criteria may also include (but is not limited to): volunteer work in a veterinary hospital, riding on large animal veterinary field calls, shelters that offer medical services through a veterinarian, etc.
Upon supervised completion of hours, the applicant can submit the Exam Application, Skills Validation Checklist, and payment by registering here. The certification exam can be taken online or on paper. Registration emails will be sent out to applicant and proctor (Teacher) for online exams. Paper exams will be sent to the supervising teacher and must be returned within one week of receipt. Any applicant who passes the exam will receive a congratulatory letter, certificate and patch, sent to the school. Arrangements to pick up or receive certificates needs to be made by the teacher and students. In the unfortunate event of an applicant failing the exam, the applicant will be eligible to re-take the exam as many times as needed within one year of the orignial exam and at a discounted price ($55).